We all know entertaining toddlers is hard, but pair that with trying to keep them at a restaurant table seems like an impossible task.
When your travelling or adventuring with your children, sometimes you have to stop off for food. We’d always recommend where possible to go for a picnic or somewhere with a child’s play park etc but often it’s just not possible and you find yourself in a quiet quaint cafe with a toddler who does NOT want to sit still 😅
We always try to keep forms of entertainment in our bag for these times! We try to steer clear of screens as much as possible (although we know that sometimes you really have no choice!) and give Zach activities that will keep him occupied whilst sitting at the table that don’t involve giving him a phone or tablet.
There are a few tried and tested favourites:
1. Mrs & Mr Potato Head - Zach is so excited when we give this to him! He will often play quietly by himself figuring out which holes all the pieces go into and then making funny faces with it, swapping out the clothes and accessories etc. Occasionally he will drop a piece on the floor so you do have to pick it up from under the table but overall it’s a great toy that entertains for a good amount of time, keeps them still and focused, and doesn’t make loads of loud noise!
2. Colouring pad & pens - I found at 2 years old, Zach doesn’t quite have the imagination or pen control to draw independently for a long time. But if I give him an actual colouring pad with different designs to colour in and challenges etc to complete then he will colour in for quite a while! The only thing you have to be careful of is that they don’t draw on the table but some good washable pens or crayons usually come off with a quick wipe!
3. Foldaway train set. Zach absolutely loves when we get this out! It requires a little more room but it’s great for imaginative play. We have a foldaway play mat with a small light trains that he can move along the mat. You can link the trains together, and because it’s a bit fiddly it does keep him focused for a while.
Hope this has sparked a few ideas for your next meal out.
Do you have anything that has helped you out in restaurants/cafes?